Wednesday 20 November 2019

The Days are Brimming with a Rolodexing Waterfall of Wonder and Delight.

This is a duplicate of the latest Smoking Mirrors posting today and it can be found here-

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

There are, of course, many things and situations in this world for one to desire or aspire after. The resulting karma of acquiring or achieving anything here, comes to pass in various ways. It can certainly be said ...and... here I speak as a voice of experience on the subject, a significant majority of the things and situations we can desire or aspire after here are not worth the getting. Disappointment can be a significant feature of karma and so can Regret and 20/20 hindsight. I believe another byproduct of Karma is; 'live and learn'... alternatively... 'don't live and don't learn'. Both of these occur with regularity.

In the end... life wears almost everyone down. We wear the marks of our struggles and those marks are what? They are the scars of the effort expended by the separated self, in its pursuit of personal desires and aspirations in this world, which also brings one into conflict with every other competing interest. THIS is SELF EVIDENT, unless you are not yourself. If you are not yourself, everything is seen through the lens of false-self interest. It makes sense (whatever 'it' is)... in THAT THEATER of enterprise.

I often like to think of the Chakras as being like floors in a department store. The spinal cord runs like an elevator all the way to the Sahasrara Penthouse. It runs from the basement, where the Kunda Pool resides. When you exit the elevator on any floor, every item is a reflection of that department. Each floor is a world unto itself. Some people spend most of their lives on just a couple of floors, especially in times of material darkness and they've no idea of the wonders to be encountered on the floors above.

Imagine, if you will, (cue Rod Serling) finding yourself on a floor where you want nothing at all because you are filled to the brim (and overflowing) with Bliss beyond description. You can sample every ware in every department, move effortlessly between them and your state of being is not changed. You are then, truly... in the world but not of it. We want things until we get them and then we don't want them anymore. This is the result of the relentless cycle of desire, more often that anyone cares to think. This is especially something most do not want to think about. It takes all the fun out of it.

There are a number of magical rules and laws of Nature that exist which most people are totally unaware of. Still... every one of us has had magical, inexplicable things happen to us, like an act of serendipity. Some might think it was simply their due and that can be the case. Some might think it is in answer to a prayer, or just good luck. I don't bring this up to provide some all encompassing answer for this happening. I bring it up to STATE that it is altogether possible to live in a world where these sort of serendipitous occurrences are happening, ALL THE TIME!

A clue can be found in one's childhood. Surely you remember when the days were brimming with a Rolodexing waterfall of wonder and delight. Summer lasted seemingly forever. First loves were a joy beyond description. These are a few examples of a state of being which was also a state of mind. The world had not yet divided into the duality dance of opposites; most especially male and female, although... these days... the waters of identity insanity, are muddier than The Big Muddy, in flood times. The world changes after the loss of one's innocence, which is why REGENERATED INNOCENCE is the divinest of consummations to be wished.

One can readily see, with the sexualization of children, the spread of rampant pedophilia and all attending outrages; the cynical hand and eye of the Prince of Darkness and his minions. Job One for the Infernal Realm is the despoliation and destruction of innocence and YOU SEE IT AT WORK EVERYWHERE!

We're not here to talk about what we can do about any of this because ALL OF IT comes down to personal choice and each choice will be judged on the merits, as it meets the touchstone of Truth. We are here to talk about how to protect your innocence and- if it is gone... how to get it back.

Of course, all of you are familiar with the statement by Jesus the Christ;

“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

People tend to... after a certain time... gloss over remarks they have read or heard before. They have perfunctory reactions. Timeless and eternal truths become no more than Yadda Yadda. Timeless and eternal truths deserve serious reflection. They deserve deep consideration BECAUSE... timeless and eternal truths have deeper and ever more deep meanings, when one studies them with intention and an open heart and mind and is patient, as needs be, when waiting for inspired scripture to respond in an oracular fashion. It will speak to you on a deeper level if you are patient. It does not reveal itself to the impatient, the dabblers and dilettantes and assorted small change operatives. Here is an example for reflection on the previous quote;

“Truly I tell you, UNLESS YOU CHANGE.” That part of the quote seldom gets included.

This 'child-like' state is often associated with the persona of saints, when they are described by observers, biographers and similar. It has also been associated with those considered simpletons who later proved not to be simpletons. It is a gift of the spirit, conferred upon the deserving. There are many gifts of the spirit, which are like the serendipitous, mysterious rules and laws. It is possible to get these rules and laws to act in your favor, by putting yourself in a position, where they are caused to react.

We do not have to appear to be, or be, beaten down by the ravages of pedestrian desire and one of the most expedient and certain ways to get whatever you want, is to not want it. Two VERY IMPORTANT considerations, tasks, objectives; call them what you will, need to be addressed, in order for you to find yourself in the spiritual catbird seat. Firstly, put an end to all personal desires and secondly; still, or kill, the reactive mind. In this case the end is more important than the means. Guru Bawa once told me, “get wisdom any way that you can. Steal it if you have to.”

Both of these seem to be an industry similar to Hercules cleaning the Augean Stables. Let me illustrate that a bit. The stables housed over a thousand cattle and had not been cleaned in 30 years. If you think about it, it sounds ridiculous to begin with; that it hadn't been cleaned in 30 years but that is sometimes the way it is with myths. This is the 5th labor of Hercules and he was set to accomplish it in a single day. What did he do? He diverted two rivers and they washed out the stables lickety split. I don't think Peisander used that term as a descriptive but I shall, even though, 'lickety split' has an unsavory sound to it when applied to cleaning out stables (grin). It does sound a little like the task set to Alexander, concerning the Gordian Knot. He also had an expedient solution for it. One might harvest considerable fruit by applying similar thought processes to curtailing all personal desire and stilling the reactive mind.

As for personal desires, another one of the remarkable, serendipitous rules and laws states that whatever is coming to you, whether you want it or not, is going to come anyway so; what is the use of chasing after anything that is yours already... even if it is not yet present? AND... if you've any hope of evading or canceling out undesirable circumstances coming your way, the ONLY possibility of that is to put it in the hands of the Supreme Mover who can do ANYTHING. His powers are LIMITELESS! LIMITLESS!!! There is NOTHING that God cannot accomplish in the wink of an eye. The Divine Being thinks whatever it is into being and... just like that... it exists. This Divine Being is RESIDENT WITHIN YOU!

Do you see where I'm going with this? Spiritual teachers have, for ages, been advising us to put the whole of our life in the hands of the Supreme Being. Surely there is a practical side to this??? It's not just poetic whimsy AND... from what I have been able to glean and understand about ALL of these spiritual teachers is that... they ALL did exactly that. Apparently this is not Rocket Surgery. Emulation is not only the sincerest form of flattery. It can also be the smartest course of action, depending on whom you are emulating.

I've watched people. go round and round about, trying to make spiritual progress. I've watched them join ashrams and make their way up the pecking order of whatever establishment they were operating in. I've watched them try to be Buddhists and Muslims, Hindus, Christians and especially New Agers. I've watched them operate according to the strict letter of the law and become unbearable pains in the ass and I have watched them shut off their gyroscopes and free flywheel it into a Floogie Bird flight, until they disappear in the usual manner of Floogie Birds. I've seen all manner of methods and techniques, both ad infinitum and ad nauseum. I've come away from the fray of it, with no more than The Greatest Commandment, as the sanest course of action. At least this is what works for me. I'm not talented or informed enough to follow the more complex paths. It is why I walked away from Hermetic and Occult modalities, though I still reference some of them when they prove useful.

I don't know what the rest of you want. It took much longer than it should have for me to discover what I wanted, which might be now defined as not wanting anything OR wanting only one thing. It amounts to the same for me (in my mind). What I do know is that each of us has a limited period of residence in this particular go round and none of us know what the length of that is. I also know that you leave here with ONLY what you have become and whatever debts and bounties might have accrued to you, for a future exercise of Destiny, in the next go round. You don't take anything else, so... it would seem to me that EVERYTHING ELSE IS SECONDARY to that and worthy of only secondary fealty... if that. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength and with all your mind. The second part of it comes automatically with the first, at least it does for me.

End Transmission.......

And... of course... there is Pocketnet and that includes all the other efforts that don't appear at the blogs anymore, due to expediency and a whole lot less work. So... if that interests you, you'll go here to find me at Pocketnet. Put visible in the search engine and whoomph! There it is!

les visible at pocketnet


A classic Visible post:

Click here to watch and comment on Vimeo.
With gratitude to Patrick Willis.