Monday, 9 December 2019

Mr. Apocalypse Inhales the Vapor Trails of Ghosts across a Desert Landscape of Animated Fata Morgana

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Today I wondered if I should talk about this... or talk about that and no matter what crosses my field of attention, I am drawn back to Mr. Apocalypse. It is ALWAYS about Mr. Apocalypse, because he is deeply involved in EVERYTHING happening, in the external theater of human drama and what is often enough... the theater of human comedy as well.

I am presently watching this outrageous farce of an impeachment hearing and... heh heh... Mr. Apocalypse is the elephant in the room and the 900 pound gorilla. It is startlingly clear to me that an invisible power for Truth and Revelation is operating in this room, independent of the awareness of the players there. It is amusing in the extreme to watch pompous fatheads, filled with fast food gravitas, try to act like statesmen and come off looking like Tweedledee and Tweedledum. They are definitely in the realm of fairy tale characters. I have NEVER seen so much smoke and so many mirrors, reflecting nothing but the vapor trails of ghosts across a desert landscape of Fata Morgana.

The increments of change are small and it is difficult to see the nature of the pattern of change over the short term BUT... if one steps back and widens the breadth of their perspective, it shows a surprising trend toward the ridiculous and embarrassing. The players are all of a short term attention span, so they DO NOT SEE the actual quality of their persona in demonstration. If they could see clearly into the true meaning of their own behavior they would be red faced with shame. They can't see because they have the blinders of self interest over their vision and everything they observe is viewed through the lens of self interest. The last thing any of them are concerned about is... self inquiry.

Manipulating the destiny of self interest is one of Mr. Apocalypse's chief duties. He is like a grand weaver, or symphonic conductor, who threads the fabrics of different colors into a single, woven presentation, or the totality of the musical instruments, into a series of patterns, with the intent of evoking an emotional response. Let me be more clear and precise. Mr. Apocalypse directs all human activity to a particular end. It is to be presumed, unless you are bone dead stupid, that Mr. Apocalypse's duties, pretty much exclusively, ALL HAVE TO DO WITH THE APOCALYPSE. Apokalypsis is the classical Greek spelling of the word. It has to do with, especially a particular ( spiritual ) manifestation of Christ (His will) previously unknown to the extent (because "veiled, covered"). Please read that several times until is becomes perfectly clear.

An apocalypse is concerned with UNVEILING... DISCLOSURE... REVELATION... UNCOVERING. Let's put this in conversational terms... THE TRUTH WILL OUT! WHAT IS HIDDEN WILL BE REVEALED!!! This implies also that often, when this happens, it can have a cartoonish aspect to it. It can appear incongruous; especially when it doesn't reflect what was said about- whatever 'it' is- what was previously hidden, not yet uncovered.

Mr Apocalypse TOLD ME, with such power, that I was shaking... trembling with the force of it... he told me that he was going to show up in the middle of them and pull their pants down in front of the world. This... falls well within the parameters of UNCOVERING. REVEALING, UNVEILING and all terms similar. He said to me... “you have some idea of who I am and from this you can surmise that I am certainly very... very clever. One might say ingenious, yes?” I responded in the affirmative. He then continued to say, “Well then, perhaps you can imagine how ingenious I can be if I turn my attention to that manner of expression, with these objects of my attention.” I seem to remember saying something like... “Oh yeah!” This was because I knew that Mr. Apocalypse, a divine persona, operates under a divine imprimatur. He has the authority of Heaven behind him.

So... I am much amused when I watch these hearings. I'm one of the few people on the planet that sees the hand of God in EVERYTHING. I'm not trying to paint myself as exceptional, or exclusive, or more in the know than anyone else; no way, not hardly. I'm no one and before the Throne of Splendor I am less than nothing. I ONLY HAVE VALUE ...according to what animates me and illuminates me to the degree that I can see or think or feel at all. I'm simply saying that most people, in these times of material darkness, do not see God in EVERYTHING. What most people see is whether they can avoid or acquire, eat or fuck whatever has their attention. Please forgive my use of possibly rude terms to describe what most people get up to. I am only commenting upon what I have observed, sometimes while hidden in the surrounding foliage around various activities. It is safe to say that I have been in places of intense light and very deep darkness more than the average person. I have gone to, or been sent to, all manner of places, to see for myself, what people were getting up to in them.

As for the places of light that I was permitted to visit, for temporary periods of time, I have my spiritual teacher, my spiritual master, to credit for making that possible. I have a good idea what the residents of Heaven are like and how they interact and behave. I've been there. I also know what the residents of The Infernal Realm are like and how they interact and behave. I've been there. Here I will quote the venerable, Lao Tzu; 'though Heaven prefers (favors) no man, the wise man prefers (favors) Heaven.”

Because we are in a time of intense material darkness, the nature of humanity is, for the most part, more influenced by the Infernal Kingdom rather than the Supernal Kingdom. That is changing, incrementally, by the day but... for the moment, most of humanity is in thrall to the darkness. That's just how it is and ALL YOU HAVE TO DO is walk out of your door and into town to see what I am saying, or turn on your TV, or go to the movies, or listen to the radio, or visit the internet. Anyone attempting to argue to the contrary is either remarkably dense and clueless, or an agent of the darkness and we have no shortage of them at this time.

Now I want to address the MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE OF THE INDUSTRIES OF MR. APOCALYPSE; AWAKENING. Mr. Apocalypse is here to awaken us, in the process of UNCOVERING AND REVEALING. Things shown to us, in dramatic fashion, can have the effect of awakening us. Natural catastrophe's can do this. Personal calamities can do this. Trauma of all types can have this effect. Many people who no longer drink or take certain drugs, or behave in certain questionable ways, do so because of TRAUMA that was visited upon them, as the result of these behaviors, or catastrophes in their personal life. It happens... and we have many witnesses to this.

Time is marching by my friends and the efforts of Mr. Apocalypse are intensifying. You are going to begin to see things you have not seen before. This is all for THE PURPOSE OF DEMONSTRATION, so that we might learn what is true and what is not, what is real and what is not and... WHO WE ARE AND WHO AND WHAT WE ARE NOT.

Today... the Fisa warrants are in the public domain. Sparks will fly and those who have been dedicated to impeaching a legally elected president have not been paying attention to their own hindquarters and to just how far into the public view they have intruded themselves and just how much they have REVEALED and EXPOSED about themselves. One must ALWAYS be aware of the vulnerable position they place themselves in when they set about destroying someone else. One should be further aware of what they reveal about themselves when they seek to expose another. Amen to that... as we shall soon see.

They are going to seek to whitewash this Fisa investigation and soft pedal the findings. Be aware of this but... heads will roll nonetheless. It is the John Durham findings that we need to pay the most attention to because certain individuals are compromised and certain individuals are not.

Reality as we think we know it and the world as we think we know it, is about to be set upon its head. I do not know the details of what is going to come to pass. What I do know is that it is going to be unprecedented and astounding. Meanwhile... Lady Nature is due to make several spectacular and gripping appearances. This has already been taking place but... Calamity is on the menu, because those who cannot hear must feel. Also, God Almighty is going to become more and more present in the affairs of humanity; always has been hands on but NOW... it's going to be more apparent. Remarkable appearances are also due to manifest.

This is what I have for you, my friends, today.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is, appropriately...

♫ Mr. Apocalypse is Coming ♫

Pocketnet is, as always, there for those interested in visiting. This week we shall be releasing two videos. One is the first in a series of talks on The Tarot. This is going to be a comprehensive and exhaustive foray into the Major Arcana and their use in meditation and spiritual evolution. The second video will be a sermon on the ineffable. Pocketnet is here.

les visible at pocketnet

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Come Rain, Come Shine, Come Support, or Opposition, We Will Proceed Apace.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

I have been going through some of the most remarkable spiritual changes, ever experienced in my life to this point. Perhaps this is not truly evident in my writings lately (grin) but suffice to say... these days I am in and out of states of childlike wonder that are as surprising as they are welcome. It is as if I have been transported to a much earlier time in my life, a life I never lived but can now feel, as if it really happened. I sense a coming change in the fabric of existence. I can actually feel light breaking through the curtains of darkness that have surrounded us for such a length of time. Maybe I'm just dreaming but this feels... it feels incredible. In respect of this I am going to share with you some of the ideas that have been passing through my mind for a considerable length of time. I hope you will indulge me in this.

Some of these ideas are very recent, like my idea of a church. Some have been with me for many years. First let me speak to my character and the nature of my composition, as a member of the human race. ALL OF MY LIFE... I have searched for God... persistently... even recklessly... even to an utter indifference to my survival in physical form. I wound up in epic contests with law enforcement and certain mores of this culture. I've been imprisoned more than once and for considerable lengths of time. The result of all that, today, is that I have NO CRIMINAL RECORD. Justice was served, though at great personal cost.

Over the course of residence on this plane, I have grievously offended various individuals. Although I have forgiven everyone who has ever plotted to have me destroyed, killed and also locked up for the rest of my natural life, none of them have forgiven me, for offenses of a far less serious kind but I understand all of that. My desire has always been to grow spiritually. Not everyone shares my desires and it is good to remember AND I DO REMEMBER that when you offend people's vanity and when you refuse to cooperate with plans they might have for you, which involve your having to present yourself in a dishonest manner and to behave in a dishonest way and WHEN you expose these machinations to them, they are not going to be very forgiving.

ANY TIME that your objective is to change the status quo and upset the balance of temporal power, be it in the smallest way, or on a larger stage, you are going to get enemies, because you threaten their masquerade and the protocols by which they make their living and the position from which they exercise their influence in life. It all comes down to breaking eggs and making omelets.

What I will mention today, stems from a conversation I had with the ineffable in which I was told that I might be around for a longer period of time than I imagined previously. It is possible that my real reasons for being here on this plane haven't even been in put into play yet.

For a very long time I have had an idea for a teaching workspace that covered the gamut of human potential in that area of enterprise. I am talking about a restaurant, deli, food manufacturing business where the people employed lived on the premises.

I don't like to eat in restaurants. I don't walk into a restaurant thinking about dining out and enjoying whatever the fashioned atmosphere of the place may be. Eating is a sacred thing to me. It involves a state of grace, in which thanks is given and conscious ingestion takes place. When I am in a restaurant I am thinking about what it is the workers in the kitchen are thinking and talking about. I am observing the wait staff and the attitude they bring to their tasks. I am thinking about the oils they use in cooking and whether certain oils from certain meats are permitted to run into other compositions. I am wondering if they are cooking, AS I CERTAINLY DO, with LOVE and INTENTION. Subsequently... I almost never eat in restaurants. Let me add that I have worked in many restaurants in every position there is in that industry. I have also owned several restaurants, as well as managing others. I know what goes on in commercial kitchens.

I have dreamed of working with a chemically trained chef that knows how to reconstitute things like beans into meat substitutes and... well... all kinds of things. There would be around a dozen tables on the inside, with large deli cases that sold a selection of the comestibles that are made there. Perhaps there would be a few tables outside. Attached to the restaurant would be a dormitory living section, with separate areas for men and women. Those who lived there would be in residence for a period of time. They would receive free lodging, free food and all the basic amenities like bath soap, toothpaste, hairdryers and all of it of the best quality. For money, they could have a part time job on their off time. Pretty much everything they needed would be there for them. Let me point out here that I ALREADY DID THIS for several years in Woodstock NY and it worked in fantastic fashion. It was a big success, until a spiritual teacher came to town and took everyone with him (grin) to Philadelphia.

Given the opportunity, I would like to do this again, near... but not in, a larger metropolis. There would be, as there was in the last one, a NON-SECTARIAN spiritual atmosphere. The prevailing philosophy is, Love Preeminent and a celebration of The Presence of God, manifesting in and through us. This leads me to the next item on my to do list.

By this time tomorrow, I will be an ordained minister in The First Church of the Presence of God. Somewhere around next week, the first sermon in this 'presently virtual church' will be available online in video format. Those who have been urging me in this direction for some time will, no doubt, be pleased. Those, who are in opposition to my endeavors (and who remain around 100% anonymous), at the blogs and in the various arenas I operate in, will, of course, be dismayed or scornful. We will proceed nonetheless (grin) just as we always have, come rain, come shine, come support, or opposition, we will proceed.

I have been in an ever increasing conversation with my invisible friends about the state of the world, about my behavior in the day to day, about so many different and diverse subjects that listing them would probably be more amusing than anything else. I delight in the Presence of God and the sure and certain knowledge of the presence of his angels of all ranks and duties. I can only speak for myself but I will say, unequivocally, that despite the majority of my life having been composed of a relentless procession of misfortunes, adversities and torments, by degrees... by incremental degrees, the distress and hardship has decreased and virtually disappeared in recent years. If you persevere, you will prevail. This is no journey to be undertaken lightly and if you lack the necessary sand you will soon find yourself terminally discouraged.

I can think of no better testimony to the nature of this journey than the poem, “The Wayfarer” by Steven Crane; “The wayfarer, perceiving the pathway to truth, was struck with astonishment. It was thickly grown with weeds. "Ha," he said, "I see that none has passed here in a long time." Later he saw that each weed was a singular knife. "Well," he mumbled at last, "Doubtless there are other roads." This is what I encountered. It is what everyone encounters who sets off on this quest. It is why the narrow way, the high road, is so empty of traffic.

By ordinary life standards, I've been here awhile. I am not the same fellow who set out upon this adventure. I am not the same fellow who occupied this form a year ago. I suppose this could be said of all of us but some of us change more dramatically, depending on the drama in which we are engaged. I know there are people who appreciate what I do and people who don't. I will add that, at no time, were those who do not appreciate what happens here, invited here to begin with. For reasons that remain unclear, some of these anonymous critics have been coming here for years. I wonder why that is?

The dogs bark but the caravan moves on. ANYONE who seeks to discover the secrets of existence and who is not deterred in the initial stages, can count on routine and regular obstructions the whole way. It is permitted by the invisible hierarchy, to check and to temper the mettle of the voyager. It comes with the territory. One can either keep their eyes fixed upon the prize, or they can devolve into meaningless arguments with those who employ such stratagems for lack of an otherwise compelling enough vocation. Idle minds are the devil's workshop. It also speaks to the certainty that you will serve someone or something, if only by default. ♫That's just the way it goes. Some things will never change♫ We all have to answer to ourselves.

We are all called to something and we all answer to something, even if some of us NEVER understand any of it but simply continue to go through the motions. I am making plans to make God laugh because I like God's laughter. I left the ranks of the self important a long time ago. I recognize my insignificance before the splendor of the throne of the Almighty. No one, following an encounter with The Divine, is left with any sense of their own value and importance, by comparison. This is one of the unique qualities I have observed in every illumined soul that I had the good fortune to encounter, their remarkable humility. It was as if they had seen something, or someone, that reduced them to the status of as 'humble as dirt'. They all shone with an interior light because their personalities had become a stained glass window, through which the light of Heaven shined. By comparison with the author and permitter of all things, we each amount to not very much at all. Another unique quality that I observed was their capacity for selfless service.

Losing oneself in selfless service, amounts to a state of liberation that no words could ever describe. How could anyone, having once tasted the bliss of the resident indwelling, ever, ever consider anything else as being of any value at all?

Opportunities to do remarkable things are present in the lives of every one of us. It's up to us what we do with them.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is;

And of course... Pocketnet and this is how you get there.

les visible at pocketnet

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

This is how The World, The Devil and The Deep Blue Sea operate in the Kaleidoscope of Enchantments.

Here is the source location of the post-

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

I have a lot of time on my hands. This is not because I am a member of the idle rich. I am not. However, there is a context in which I could be considered rich, far richer than anyone you know and with a great deal more freedom than they because I am not mortally invested in the possession of what they require to maintain their lifestyle. Also... the source of my wealth cannot be challenged. It can't be taken from me.

As I said... I have a lot of time on my hands; eternity, actually, to do as I wish, even though I don't wish to do anything but serve. I might wish to cease the various conflicts and states of war across the planet but that would be both foolish and ineffective. Conditions are exactly what people want them to be. Of course, they don't know this but it is true none the less. “But surely, Visible, there must be much that you wish to do; what about Self Realization, Liberation, Nirvana, Enlightenment? These are all the sort of things you talk about as being desirable?”

How would I answer something like that? First I would say that wishing or desiring any of these items would only serve to drive them away. Furthermore, all of those are guaranteed and in the process of coming to me as these words are being written... alternatively, I might be moving toward them as well.

Let's say that we call all of these states of being, Kansas City and let's say that I might take a train. I might take a plane but... if I have to walk, I'm going to get there just the same. I've been previously informed that all of these things and all things similar are indeed to be found in that metaphorical Kansas City. Well, of course, I am headed for Kansas City at this very moment. Not the terrestrial Kansas City that shows up in your GPS, if that happens to be your objective, but the 'other' Kansas City we have come to understand possesses all of the items and states attractive to Visible.

What if I told you that I could tell you in detail how to get to your own Kansas City and that it isn't bullshit... or part of some philosophical construct designed to make a point. No! It's a real thing and I most certainly could tell you how to do this. In fact, I have been doing just that all along, for as long as I have been doing this. I've pointed out the location of valuable sources of information, directly relevant to this. I've indicated practices and behavior patterns that will put you on the fast track to hot-housing your own spiritual evolution.

What if I told you that rather than go through many, many lifetimes of suffering and toil, interspersed with brief intervals of pleasure and occasional draughts from the waters of Lethe, you could waltz right out of here in a single lifetime? What if I told you the pursuit of happiness was a dead end and that you HAD TO EXPERIENCE equal amounts of unhappiness to enjoy that happiness? What if I told you this whole world is a sham designed to break your heart and leave you empty and bitter? Well... I have told you that in many different ways all along. Let's go back to the first sentence in this paragraph; the one about evading all of the guaranteed misery, awaiting you in the aftermath of capturing ANYTHING you desired or set out after, motivated by desire to do so.

Krishna said,

“Success is speedy for the energetic.”

He didn't lie. He was/is an avatar. Avatars don't lie.

Yes... I could clearly and definitively lay it all out for you and if you took off after any one of SEVERAL options I could present you with, you would... with the aid of Faith, Certitude and Determination and Invisible Friends, reach your goal in this lifetime... or... so fast track your objective that you would never have to concern yourself with the gain and the loss, the failure or success of it again. In fact... I know of portals where you don't even have to come back here again. You can finish it all up in an astral loka and evade the torments of the flesh entirely. You would 't have to worry about running into Pinhead and the Cenobites. Everything I am telling you here is the truth. It profits me nothing to lie to you and the penalties for that are not something I would EVER CONSIDER. “But... Visible... what if you are misinformed and you lead us astray unintentionally; not meaning to, of course but... nonetheless...”

No... I am as certain as certain can be that I speak correctly, insofar as such things can be put into words, which... in the elementary stages, they can and beyond that... indications can be given.

Here we are... halfway through this commentary and we haven't arrived at the point of it yet. The point of it is that I can most certainly do what I have stated I can do and long before this came before you, many another has said the same thing, with variations shaped for the time and place they appeared in. This is not the problem. The problem is that hardly anyone wants it. Oh yes... hardly anyone, confronted with clear and precise directions, wants to go to Kansas City. Oh sure... everyone wants to BUT... BUT... BUT... First they have to do this and then they have to do that and there's always the possibility... the certain possibility that they will miss out on something else if they do. Yes... that is quite true. You will definitely miss out on all kinds of things that you have misidentified as containing something that can't be found in any of those things ...BUT... that is the point of being here; finding that out.

A thousand... a hundred thousand lifetimes down the road... epiphany will finally make its presence known. The Road to Damascus will appear and that timeless drama will take place. Alternatively, you might wake up in a pigsty and remember your father's house. There are all sorts of circumstances that this can take place in and eventually it will BUT... at what a cost in the interim? First the kiss, then the lash... then the kiss... then the lash... then the kiss... then the lash... for as long as you can stand it and... sometimes... well beyond that.

You can get the sense of the meaning of Karma RIGHT HERE... right in this moment, because... what is it that would prohibit you... or anyone... from deciding right this moment to head off for the ever flowing fountain of perpetual bliss (which is your own intrinsic nature) and NEVER LOOK BACK? What is it that has put these blinders over your vision... these Samskaras? It's Karma, neh?

YOU ARE the eternal pure and free, self illumined Atman (soul) right now. All that is lacking is the awareness of it and all that is coming between you and that awareness, is the more persistent awareness of that kingdom presented to you upon the narrow bandwidth of the physical senses.

This is a world of pain and anguish, of doubt and uncertainty, of disease... old age and death. Sure... just about every time you've had enough of that... along comes something else to capture your attention, to distract you. The kaleidoscope of enchantment is always turning. It's the nature of the beast. It is how The World, The Devil and The Deep Blue Sea operate. There is ONLY ONE SANE MOTIVATION IN LIFE and that is to GET OUT OF HERE! If you don't think so right this moment, you will. You will.

Up and down. In and out. The wavy Bio-Rhythmic convolutions of Cause and Effect, dance in their timeless choreography for the Purpose of Demonstration. The perpetual sex act of interacting opposites and their countless offspring, are coming round the mountain to greet you, further down the road, which runs, 'ever on and on'.. Some of us spend each day, dining in the ivory tower, moving through our circles of acquaintances in the ballroom at the Overlook Hotel... 'redrum... redrum...' The hungry ghosts are magnetized by the centers of attraction, where the appetites of manifest life, were once celebrated. Many another of us, exists in a state of perpetual want, with adversity close at hand and each of these momentary states of Fortune and Famine... trade places with regularity. On rare occasions, those few of us who have been, the good stewards of prosperity, have behaved in that fashion appreciated by the Lords of Karma... otherwise... look out.

It is a mystery, is it not? Why would anyone prefer the vicissitudes of chance and change to have their unforgiving way with us? Why do we persist in our residence in the land of temporary dreams? Now and again, one will break free of the herd and with a determined persistence... find the Kingdom of God within. Often that singular soul will leave footprints, should another care to inquire about what is really extant in the (no so) fearful unknown.

The time in which we are presently here is a remarkable occasion. Times like these and the opportunities available, come round at rare intervals. It is possible in these times to make spiritual progress that would not be possible at another time. Will you avail yourself of this precious moment? Time will tell and we shall see. Angels unseen, await the chance to assist you. Once the commitment has been made, all the forces of good will rush to your side. Perhaps I am just a voice, howling in the wilderness of personal delusion. Better men than me, by far, have said much the same thing. There is something within us that KNOWS the truth of this. It is that very something that is speaking right now through your humble servant.

In a moment... it could all change. In a moment, the moment will have passed. Seize the moment, while it is yet upon you. No one of us knows when the hour will come round and the note will come due. To get a vague idea of how close anything may be, one has only to observe the trends passing and what they suggest of things to come.

May God make his presence known to you and may you answer the call. This is my prayer for you.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is-

As to the matter of Pocketnet I know there are those of you who have found it wanting, due to the plethora of superficial nonsense that is in evidence there but I tell you, from my own experience, that there are a good dozen, even more... sources of VERY useful information and news that I have found nowhere else. I just scroll past the pedestrian and self serving poppycock and prattle. Given a few visits, one comes to know who to seek out and one can also 'FOLLOW' their work. Well... should you be inclined... here is where to go.

les visible at pocketnet